Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Gardens... for my mother.

What a great way to start out this post, eh? These pictures are, again, out of order from what I intended. On our last field trip we visited Bomarzo and the "Park of the Monsters," an anomaly among gardens. Surprisingly, this one was created in the 1500s. There were a collection of unusual monster statues throughout this wild garden.

Of course, I felt the need to climb, or 'parkour,' up a tree while we sat around in the next park. We had about 2 hours to spare and we used it to goof around like true college students.

This garden was in the Villa Lante in Bagnaia (oh, I love all the vowels). This was also a renaissance garden. It was ordered beautifully with water features and very intricately patterned hedgerows.

Here is the last photo from that garden showing my favorite water feature. It was a fountain that followed the steps down in a chain link pattern. The movement was fantastic. Enjoy Mom!

1 comment:

  1. Ciao molto simpatico il tuo blog! Un saluto e buona domenica!
